Thursday, March 28, 2013

Past Day 3

Today my daughter stopped by the ol' tower of power, hur hur. She flew in last night from a distant village known as Cincinnati. She had to sleep on the great steel phoenix. Ah, my mistake, so sorry, what I meant to say was the... 'arrowplane'. I know the names of many modern objects but some of the magical names still elude me. Tonya has been a big help to me in that regard. She has explained to me how the postal service, which is her chosen trade, works, and has given me a 'lighter', which I have used to start fires without need of flint.
I was against it when she moved out. She wanted to see the world, see sights beyond these stony walls. I tried to explain to her what untold evils that lay in wait out there, hoping to ensnare the pure heart of one such as her, but she didn't listen. In the end, it was her decision. I pray every night that our lord will protect her and keep her safe.
We talked of casual matters over dinner. I asked her how her husband, Darren, is doing. It sounds like he is well; the 'computing firm' he works at has evolved into quite an establishment. His sire, who sounds like a nice fellow, has just increased his pay.
As usual, however, when the conversation turned away from Tonya and towards myself, the subject arose of selling the tower. Being located right in the middle of this city's downtown area, I have received many lucrative offers from developers wishing to tear it down and erect businesses or housing in its place. Tonya, somehow, always catches wind of these ever-increasing offers, and her insistence that I sell intensifies with each visit.
I have explained (many times, I might add) to my dear daughter, the tower's importance. I pray that one day she will understand. Did her great great great great grandfather give up the tower during the revolutionary war, when the British threatened to burn it down? No, he battled them back from his protected position. Did her great to the twelfth power grandfather give up the tower when the romans invaded? No. He stood firm. This tower has protected our family for untold generations, and we have protected it in turn.
One day, when I am gone, I have hopes that Tonya will take up my mantle. When I was young, when I took over for my own father, I did not even question this duty. But the human mind is different now, the question is its fuel, whereas in the past, its fuel was faith. In the end, this, too, will ultimately be her decision. I would never force her. But I will always hope to convince her, before it is too late.

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