Thursday, March 28, 2013

Past Day 5

Last night, still in an absolute state over my brush with evil, I went directly to bed, too scared to make the usual rounds. While sleeping I had an unusual dream.
I dreamt of a day like any other. Shining sun, hurrying people, hungry dragons driving up and down the street, and me in my tower, watching it all thankfully pass me by. It was a beautiful day, for a while.
Around noon, the first cloud came. It was a great, dark cloud, black and heavy with rain, standing out from the puffy cotton balls nearby. No one down below paid it any mind, but I regarded it with suspicion. I breathed a sigh of relief when it passed us by, vanishing over the mountain range to the east.
Not long after, however, three more dark clouds came over the western horizon. They soared slowly, lazily, their measured pace a notable contrast to the busy people in the city. When they swept by, four more dark clouds took their place. More still had entered the sky above us before this four had left.
The clouds kept coming, more and more, until more cloud than sky was visible. Eventually, no more sky was left, only a sea of black.
People down below were beginning to take notice, but the extent of their concern seemed to be merely things like 'I should have brought an umbrella' and 'Mike on channel 6 didn't say anything about rain today'. None of them thought or even guessed that perhaps something more sinister could be at work.
All expected the Great Overcast to end that night, but when we woke up the next morning, it was still cloudy out. Then the next day, and the day after that, it was the same story. People's crops began to wilt, and solar panels stopped producing electricity. People drove with their headlights on at all hours of the day, even though you could still pretty much see. The air had that special feel that it gets right before a rainfall, both humid and chilly, with a sense of forboding doom. But rain never came. Just a constant anticipation of rain that kept everyone on edge.
As the months past, people began to go mad. Riots started in the streets as society crumbled. All around the tower, the city burned, I tried valiantly to protect the tower from looters, criminals, and the insane, but I was one man, and they were many. Just as the front door broke in, I awoke, my sheets cold and clammy.

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